This Group is to offer support and help to the people in the village. No one will be faulted for honest feelings about certain agencies or those that benefit from them. The information provided will be information given from experience only. Please no hear say or bad mouthing based on "one bad experience". The village is a place for all of us to express and give truthful information to strengthen the village.

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Delilah A. Remp wrote at October 24, 2011
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Shwan's does not just deliver frozen food.

So my 92 year old grandmother insisted on living by herself...Whatever...OK. My Mother works full time and can not visit her every day. So we have but into place people that can Just to check on her and to say hello. Meals on Wheels comes a couple of times a week the cleaning lady come another day and even Shwans comes every other week to mix things up a bit. Great community outreach idea..right? In addtion to her visitng nurses and social worker she is kept busy for at least an hour everyday and someone is always checking in. Weekends are long but we are working on that. She is getting older and her mind is getting slower some changes will have to be made but for now it works...
Delilah A. Remp
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