This Group is to offer support and help to the people in the village. No one will be faulted for honest feelings about certain agencies or those that benefit from them. The information provided will be information given from experience only. Please no hear say or bad mouthing based on "one bad experience". The village is a place for all of us to express and give truthful information to strengthen the village.

Got a community question need advice or guidance this is the group for you. Join us in creating a strong village and knowledgeable members on what our communities have to offer.

Delilah A. Remp wrote at October 25, 2011
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So here is a resource for today. If you have or no a displaced child, missing or changing schools does not have to be an option. To keep things consistent in the child's life the school district will buss the child to and from the new location to the school for the reasons of being displaced. The child will be bussed from the time they are displaced to the end of the school year. Displaced: fire, eviction, death, anything that requires the family/child to be "forced" out of the home.
Delilah A. Remp
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