Tara Kennedy-Kline
I have a bit of a "sparkle chaser" issue. Those who know me are laughing right now...I get it. But I have a hard time staying focused on the things I need to complete in a day (or an hour or over lunch) because I am easily distracted and change passion quests quickly. But I must admit, I do get quite a lot accomplished in a day. Mostly because many years ago I started keeping a "list of 10" every day.

Each night I write down 10 things I want to start, work on or complete the next day. Although I am not always focused on the time...I have become very good at determining how much time I will need to check off the items on my list and my days are typically pretty packed; though I do leave room for incidentals or "stuff my family will throw at me at the last minute".

Here's my problem (or my reality in this case) My family believes that because I work from my home, I have nothing to do all day. So because I apparently lie around the house and drink coffee and watch Oprah spin offs all day, they feel perfectly justified in assigning me chores, projects, tasks and responsibilities to take care of "for them" to make their lives easier.

What the heck?! Right?!

But the worst part of their offense is, they don't even ask me nicely! I can't tell you how many times I've gotten "HEY! If you aren't doing anything ayway, can you go blah-blah-blah for me?" Or
"Hey, do you think you could pull yourself away from your exhaustive schedule to go blah-blah-blah for me?!"

OH SUUUURE! Why not?! Since you asked me so nicely, checked with me about my plans and didn't insult me at all...I'd be happy to do that "FOR YOU"...NOT!

I actually went almost an entire week without doing one load of laundry, washing one dish or making one trip to the grocery store because I went on STRIKE due to "disprespectful working conditions and lack of team effort" (Yeah, that's right...I went UNION on their a$&es!)

So today, when my husband said "Hey...since you aren't busy today, I need you to take me to get my car."

My reply was "Honey, if you had asked me if there was time in my busy schedule to help you out, I would have carved that time out for you. Unfortunately, my schedule has just filled up, so I guess you'll have to walk."

And then my Reality hit me:
If I am going to ask someone to do something for me, I must be sure to treat them with respect, honor their schedule and ask them kindly. Otherwise, I must be prepared to hear "I'm sorry, I'm too busy to help you with that right now."
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